Phase 5: Reinvesting in Us

Martha and I are squarely in this phase of our marriage. We are actively supporting our three adult children in following their passions, building our own business enterprises, taking care of our health, enjoying visits with our three grandsons and thinking a lot about our financial security as we look ahead to the latter years of […]

Increased Divorce Rate Among Baby Boomers

My wife, Martha, and I are baby boomers. Many of our good friends are baby boomers. We are in that cohort of Americans born after World War II between 1946 and 1964. This year the youngest baby boomers are turning 50 years old! The oldest of us are closing in on age 70 years. As […]

Creating “Partnership” Projects

Fall is a time of the year when there is so much to do! Summer is over and there seems to be a billion projects on the horizon: Home improvement projects, landscaping projects, visits with family and friends, health and fitness commitments and so much more. Martha and I often sit down together and put […]

When Your Children Leave Home…

For many couples, raising healthy and happy children is a main purpose of their marriage. When your children leave home, your contribution as parents takes a different form; your initial purpose as parents begins to change. Your role is less active and your advice and support are usually most welcome when it comes at the […]

“Let’s have a conversation”

In my relationship with my wife, Martha, one of us often says to the other, “Let’s have a conversation about _______________(fill in the blank).  The topic might be money, a home improvement project, a family member, our summer vacation or some issue.  We’ll pull out our calendars and schedule a time to have a conversation. […]