Why Hire a Partnership Marriage Coach?

I work with couples who are looking to nurture their connection with each other, expand teamwork in their daily lives together and create a fulfilling, enduring partnership over time. When I share that with people, I generally get a very positive, enthusiastic response. When a prospective couple calls me, I’m happy. I feel very lucky! […]

Men’s Wellness Retreat

Save the date for Men’s Wellness Retreat! In collaboration with other speakers, I will be presenting a workshop at the Men’s Wellness Retreat on November 12th.  The title of my presentation is Exploring Partnership in Marriage (for men!). In my workshop, you will explore what partnership looks like for you in your marriage (or committed relationship).  […]

Coming in June, 2014: The Partnership Marriage

I am very excited to let you know that my book, The Partnership Marriage: Creating the Life You Love…Together, will be available on Amazon by the end of this June! The premise of my book is that marriage is a lifelong conversation for fulfilling, enduring partnership. Here’s an excerpt from the book. From the Prologue: […]